Worshiping together

Sundays at 10:15 am | In-person

Click here for video of past worship services.

Our Worship Style

At Bethany-Calvary, you can expect a service that embraces the many ways people worship. In worship, you'll hear some of the songs you've heard on the radio, but you'll also hear that hymn you used to sing when you were little. We believe in a worship service which allows for people of every kind to connect with God, so we have both traditional and contemporary music. You'll also find a well-placed skit in the mix of worship, and sometimes we'll break out the liturgy and recite a psalm or two. Our service is blended, a combination of the old and the new, because we realize that it is in that mixture that we experience the benefits of both.

Our services typically last about an hour. We start with music and singing, we pray together, give back to God, listen to scripture, hear a 15-20 minute sermon, and end with singing.

What do I wear?

The short answer is: clothes. The long answer is pretty much the same. Just like our worship style, we have a blending of many dressing styles too. If you're comfortable coming in a t-shirt and shorts, then come on in! If you prefer wearing a dress or a suit and tie, you'll fit right in. The truth is that God wants us to come and worship, no matter who we are or what we are wearing, and we think that nothing should stand in the way of connecting with God. So wear what makes you comfortable.

Speaking of clothes, don’t forgot about our community Clothing Closet ministry, open each Wednesday morning. If you or someone you know is in need, or you have gently used clothing or shoes to donate, please come see us.

Where do I sit?

If someone says “that’s MY pew” and asks you to move, please leave whatever other church you are at and come to Bethany-Calvary instead. It's okay to sit just about anywhere you want. There's no such thing as assigned seating at Bethany-Calvary; just friendly people coming together and worshiping. We have 42 pews—feel free to try them all.  Just don’t sit at the organist’s bench unless you think you can play the organ even better than he does, and you wish to challenge him to an organ/piano duel.

Where do I park?

It can be stressful trying to get to church on time. One thing that you shouldn't worry about is where to park once you get here! The church has parking in both the front and back of the building. The front is street parking and the front door has a chair lift for people who have trouble getting up stairs. There's a parking lot in the back of the church with some handicap parking spaces available as well, but be warned, there are stairs!

How Do I Get There?

Our church is located on the corner of Center Street and 73rd Street in Wauwatosa. We live on the border of Wauwatosa and Milwaukee and that means that people from all over come to worship with us. Whether you're coming from an hour away or from next door, we're excited for you to join us.

For directions from where you are to our building, just click the map to the right.

What About the Kids?

During the first half of worship, we invite kids to stay and be a part of the fun. We sing, and pray, and are generous to God - all things which are important for kids to learn from an early age how to do. Then we have a special Children's Time with Pastor Thanael where the kids and he talk about the theme for the day. After that, they're invited to join our Children's Ministries Team in Sunday School or in the Nursery. Of course, kids are always welcome in worship!

Our Nursery is always available and professionally staffed.

Learn More About our Beliefs

Learn more about our what we believe by clicking the button below.

COVID-19 Information

The big question for our current situation, what are you doing about COVID-19 to make sure that people are safe in the building?

First off, Bethany-Calvary Church is committed to taking care of people's spirits and bodies. This means that we are working to make sure we take the right next steps to keep people healthy and growing in their faith.

Secondly, we continue to monitor the situation and make changes as we need to.

Thirdly, while masks are not required indoors at this time, we recommend people maintain good practices to help keep everyone healthy.