What is the Toolbox Fund?

No matter what your job is, no matter what work you do, you have tools you use to get that task done. For the church, one of our greatest tools for living into our mission of "Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world" is our building. Just like all other tools, this one takes care and repair to keep it in tip-top shape - ready to aid the church in its vital work. The Toolbox Fund is designed to lay out a plan and action steps to keeping our tools of ministry (more than just the building) in good shape.

The Toolbox Fund is one fund which is divided into several stages of care for our tools. In each stage, essential work is laid out which needs to be done to allow for Bethany-Calvary to continue to do its ministry effectively. The beauty of this system is that money and resources which are raised to complete one stage go for the whole fund. That means when we complete one stage, any extra resources immediately  go towards the next stage. This way, there CAN'T be any money lost or wasted! This is a great safeguard which allows the church to steward your gifts well, and a great system to make your gifts do the most good.

All the information about our projects, stage progress, as well as resource and financial spending are all detailed below.

This is an essential part of ministry, one which your support can really affect others in the Name of Jesus. We encourage you to give and help us to keep our tools ready to make disciples and transform the world. Find out more about giving below.

Our Current Stage: The Tower Stage

The Tower Stage is what we're working on right now. In this stage, we are addressing the following:

  • Tuck-pointing all four sides of the church tower - this means that a company is going to come in and fill in holes which have formed in between the bricks of the building.
  • Repairing the Tower Chimes -  We have all missed the beautiful sounds of bells coming from the church tower. We will be replacing and repairing broken parts so that the bells may ring once more!
  • Tuck-pointing the Parsonage Chimney - this means filling in the holes which have formed in between the stones of the parsonage.
  • Replacing the Kitchen Floor in the Parsonage - just general maintenance, keeping the parsonage up to date!

The Tower Stage's goal is $50,000 raised in 5 months.

Right now, we are on track to meet this goal! Help us do that by reading more below and giving.

What Should I Give?

One of the hardest questions you might have is how much should I give. The first thing you should do to answer this question is pray. Ask God to direct your generosity and to lead you with His wisdom. Second, we've provided you with some levels of giving which might work well for you. They are:

  1. $200 a month for 5 months (from this month until March 2021), or $1,000 all at once.
  2. $150 a month for 5 months (from this month until March 2021), or $750 all at once.
  3. $100 a month for 5 months (from this month until March 2021), or $500 all at once.

Don't let these levels define your giving, however. They are just there to help give you ideas! If this is something which you have a passion for, something which you really believe in, you can give a larger amount, either all at once or over the next five months. Maybe you don't have a lot to give right now. That's okay to. There is no minimum you can give!

Give Online

Ready to make an impact for Christ in the world? You can give right now online, safely and securely through our partner, Tithe.ly.


Want to send a check? Please make checks out to Bethany-Calvary United Methodist Church and mark Toolbox Fund in the Memo. Checks can be sent to: 7265 West Center Street, Milwaukee, WI 53210

Dollars Focused on Good

One of the biggest questions people ask is what happens if we raise too much money for this stage? Or, what happens when we've complete this stage? Does the money just go to the general church then? Great questions, we're glad you asked! The beauty of giving towards the Toolbox Fund is that when we reach our goal and complete all of the projects in a stage, all the resources automatically go towards the next goal and the next stage's projects! That means that when you give towards the Toolbox Fund, 100% of your money will always go towards keeping the Church's tools of ministry working and ready to make disciples and transform the world.

Our Next Stage: The Roof Stage

Coming up next is the Roof Stage. This is one of our biggest projects as a church. Our goal is to replace the roof of the church to provide security for years to come! Our goal is to replace it all at once to increase its effectiveness and longevity.