Prayers of the EUB Hymnal

Prayer for Victory over Temptation

O LORD, Shield of our help, Who will not allow us to be tempted above that we are able, help us, we ask of You, in all our times of struggle and hardship, to lift our eyes to You and focus our hearts on You, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Prayer for the Ageing

O GOD, our heavenly Father, whose gift is many days of life, help us to make the best use of mind and body in our advancing years. According to our strength, divide our work. As You have forgiven us our sins, sift the gatherings of our memory that we may forget that of evil and that good may shine forth clearly. We bless You for Your gifts and especially for Your presence and the love of friends in heaven and earth. Grant us new ties of friendship, new opportunities of service, joy in the growth and happiness of children, sympathy with those who bear the burdens of the world, clear thought, and quiet faith. Teach us to bear our weakness with cheerful patience. Keep us from narrow pride in outgrown ways, blind eyes that will not see the good of change, impatient judgements of the new methods and experiments of others. Let Your peace rule our spirit through all the trial of our waning strength. Take from us all fear of death, and all despair or undue love of life; that with glad hearts at rest in You, we may await Your plan for us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Prayer for Reconciliation

LORD Jesus Christ, Who has taught us not to return evil for evil, but to pray for those who hate us; help us by Your example to offer a authentic prayer for those who have brought us harm. If we have given offence or have done wrong, teach us to confess our mistakes, that we may find the true path to reconciliation. Save us from hatred and may the peace of God rule in all our hearts forever. Amen.


Prayer for Health

ALMIGHTY God, Who is the source of health, healing, calmness, and peace; grant to us, who are Your children, an awareness of Your constant presence that we may be reminded of Who You are. In all pain, when we are tired, when anxiety sets in, may we throw ourselves upon Your loving care, that knowing that we are surrounded by Your faithful presence, we may open ourselves to Your healing, strengthening peace through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Prayer for Those Who are Questioning

IN times of doubts and questions, dear Lord, when our belief is perplexed by new learning, new teaching, new thought – when our faith is challenged by creeds, by doctrines, by mysteries beyond our understanding, give us the faithfulness of learners and the courage of believers in You; give us boldness to examine, and faith to trust all Truth; patience and insight to master difficulties; stability to hold fast to our traditions while embracing new, God-given interpretations, to admit all fresh truth made known to us, and in times of trouble to grasp new knowledge and to combine it in fairness and with honesty with the old. Save us and help us, we humbly ask of You, O Lord. Amen.


Prayer for Parents

GIVE to us, O Father, such wisdom and love that we may be found faithful to our responsibility as earthly parents. Grant that, by our daily acts and words, we may be examples of Jesus’ life and spirit, of His ministry and sacrificial sharing, so that we may lead our children into the true meaning of life. May selfishness and impatience not stand between our children’s spirits and Your will for them. May we share with You in helping them to discover what You would have them become and what You would have them do. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.


Prayer for The Church

O GOD, we pray for Your Church, which exists today amid the confusion of changing ways and faces great new challenges and tasks. We remember with love the nurture She gave to our spiritual life as we were children, the tasks She gave us that we may grow in strength, the influence of the faithful hearts She gathers, and the constant power for good She has put forth. We rejoice in the heroic souls who have supported Her and brought Her to this time and place. Baptize Her anew in the life-giving Spirit of Jesus! Use Her voice again to share the Good News of Her Lord. Fill Her with the prophet’s decries of tyranny and a Christ-like care for all those who are lost and without. May She not seek after selfish gain so that She may grow in Your light. Make Her diligent in Her sacrifice for humanity so that like Jesus Who was crucified She may take up Her cross and follow Him to a higher glory. Amen.


Prayer for Confession 1

MERCIFUL GOD, we confess that we have not loved You with our whole heart. We have failed to be an obedient church. We have not done Your will, we have broken Your law, we have not loved our neighbors, and we have not heard the cry of the needy. Forgive us, we pray. Free us for joyful obedience through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.