Annual Conference Lay Report

Bethany-Calvary United Methodist Church is part of the larger United Methodist Connection and the Wisconsin Annual Conference. This means that every year, the Wisconsin Annual Conference meets to make decisions which effect the entire conference. As a member of this conference, we send both lay (not ordained) and clergy (for example: pastors) representatives. After the conference is concluded, the lay report is published to inform the church of what has happened. Below is that report for 2021:

Annual conference for 2021 was again Virtual, so there are no travel expenses. A primary advantage of this format is that the entire process is civil and does not suffer the demonstration disruptions as occurred in 2019.

The disadvantage side of the same coin is that it is difficult to interject an objection or comment.

The Conference was relatively mundane and does not warrant extensive comment. Of note is that the Trinity UMC of Waldo requested to leave the Wisconsin Conference under the provisions established by the 2019 General Conference. On a relatively close vote, its departure was denied.

At this point in time it is really too soon for churches to seek to leave the Conference. The General Conference is now rescheduled for September, 2022. There will be an opportunity for many changes at that time. Then the Wisconsin Conference will not act upon the those decisions until June 2023. Following that time, individual churches will have time to decide what path they wish to take.

In the interim, we remain to be Christ’s outpost in the world at 73 and Center Streets in Wauwatosa. As such we have a responsibility to be His mission to this neighborhood. May He grant us the strength and wisdom to carry that out.

Chuck Roloff
Member to Annual Conference
Lay Leader