Worshiping Together

Sundays | 10:45 am


The first core part of Bethany-Calvary Church is Worship. Coming together, whether in-person or online, is an essential part of growing in our faith because it offers us support when times are hard, celebration when times are great, community to encourage us, and friends to help us grow.


The second core value of Bethany-Calvary Church is grow. As a church, we know that Christians cannot stay still. There is always more to discover, more to learn, more depth which we can achieve in our faith. That's why we do things like Sunday School, Confirmation, Bible Studies, and Small Groups!


The third core value of Bethany-Calvary Church is serve. When we love God, we'll love those He loves. Of course that means we'll help take care of those who God loves as well. We live into this call through food pantry giving, a clothes closet, mission trips, and many more ways of serving.


The last core value of Bethany-Calvary Church is give. We recognize as a church that God has been incredibly generous in giving all that we have to us. Our response is simple, to give back. By giving through Bethany-Calvary, we share in God's ministry across the world and right here in the Milwaukee as we make disciples and transform the world.

About Us

Bethany-Calvary United Methodist Church is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. That's why we do what we do. We do this by exploring spiritual discipline through Bible studies and small groups, being active in our mission and outreach through programs like Share Fair and our Clothes Closet, and spending time together in community and in worship. We join with the global connection of United Methodists in these pursuits. Together, we are able to truly transform the world by digging wells in Liberia, flying medical supplies to remote villages in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, spreading the gospel in China, and so much more. We are proud to be a part of this connection and to help make church happen anywhere.

Our Mission

To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.